
Tabbed - Goobo
Freestyle on the Beat - RN
Gregory Peck - Russian Nick
Later July - 42212Boneman
Sex - Horny Muggle
Death Comes as Last Resort - RN
Allegory of the Blue Sky - Estes
Wend - Horny Muggle
frat boy liffee - 42212Boneman

Work 2

Hegel in Angle-Land - Estes
California Criminal Law
Stretch Your Sunken Eyes - Russian Nick
Booga - Russian Nick
Fidelity Undone - Goobo
Maddona and Child - Goobo
Werther's Rules for Art - Goobo
Battle Bus to Oblivion - Goobo
The Complaint of Nature - Alain de Lille
(a favorite of bird lovers and those who
love birds and jeweles and fish)

Flower Mom - Goobo
Love - Goobo


Portfolio - JRob Goffstein
Night Freestyle - Rn, Lil Slut
Paris2007 - Goobo
Six - Goobo
NICK, A LOVER - Estes,
Goobo, 42212Boneman

The Moon Looks Like The Sun - RN